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At ELLIS ESQ, we pride ourselves on standing out in a sea of suits and tuxedos. From your initial complimentary consultation to the delivery of your custom piece, expect to be treated like royalty. Our style esquires and master tailors are dedicated to helping you uncover your wedding dreams and create a masterpiece that reflects every detail you desire.

Products & Services:
Our products and services at ELLIS ESQ revolve around creating custom pieces that are tailored to perfection. We provide access to some of the finest textiles from around the world, ensuring that your garment is crafted with the highest quality materials. Whether you have a specific vision in mind or need guidance in designing your attire, our team is here to bring your ideas to life.

What Makes Us Unique?:
What sets ELLIS ESQ apart is our commitment to personalized attention and exquisite craftsmanship. We believe in going beyond traditional tailoring by offering a bespoke experience that caters to your individual style and preferences. With a focus on detail and a passion for creativity, we transform your wedding attire into a work of art that is as unique as you are.

LGBTQIA+ Statement of Support:
At ELLIS ESQ, we celebrate diversity and inclusivity. We wholeheartedly support the LGBTQIA+ community and are dedicated to providing a welcoming and affirming space for all individuals. Our team embraces love in all its forms and is honored to be a part of your journey towards marriage and self-expression.

LGBTQIA+ Community Engagement:
As part of our commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community, ELLIS ESQ actively engages in initiatives that promote equality and acceptance. We participate in events, collaborations, and sponsorships that help uplift and empower LGBTQIA+ individuals. By fostering inclusivity and understanding, we strive to create a world where love knows no boundaries.


Its YOUR wedding day, and you have been planning every detail , from the order of service to the type of flowers used for decor, making sure your day looks exactly like you both desire. So why should your suit or tuxedo be any different?

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Dean Ellis

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Atlanta, GA, USA

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